Friday, March 8, 2013


Even with the wide variety of sources available, coming up with an idea to serve as the basis for the new venture can still be a difficult problem. The entrepreneur can use several methods to help generate and test new ideas, including focus groups, brain storming and problem inventory analysis.

Focus groups
Group of individuals providing information in a structured format is called a focus group. The group of 8 to 14 participants is simulated by comments form other group members in creatively conceptualizing and developing new product idea to fulfill a market need.

A group method of obtaining new ideas and solutions is called brainstorming. The brainstorming method for generating new ideas is based on the fact that people can be stimulated to greater creativity by meeting with others an d participating with organized group experiences. Although most of the ideas generated from the group have no basis for further development, often a good idea emerges.

Problem inventory analysis
Problem inventory analysis uses individuals in a manner that is analogous to focus groups to generate new product ideas. However instead of generating new ideas themselves, consumers are provided with a list of problems in a general product category. They are then asked to identify and discuss products in this category that have the particular problem. This method is often effective since it is easier to relate known products to suggested problems and arrive at a new product idea then to generate an entirely new idea by itself.

Creative problem solving is a method for obtaining new ideas focusing on the parameters.

The first technique, brainstorming, is probably the most well known and widely used for both creative problem solving and idea generation. It is an unstructured process for generating all possible ideas about a problem within a limited time frame through the spontaneous contribution of participants. All ideas, no matter how illogical, must be recorded, with participants prohibited from criticizing or evaluating during the brainstorming session.

Reverse brainstorming
Similar to brainstorming, but criticism is allowed and encouraged as a way to bring out possible problems with the ideas.
Synectics is a creative process that forces individuals to solve problems through one of four analogy mechanisms: personal, direct, symbolic and fantasy. This forces participants to consciously apply preconscious mechanisms through the use of analogies in order to solve problems.

Gordon method
Gordon method is a method of developing new ideas when the individuals are unaware of the problem. In this method the entrepreneur starts by mentioning a general concept associated with the problem. The group responds with expressing a number of ideas.

Checklist method
Developing a new idea through a list of related issues is checklist method of problem solving.

Free association method
Developing a new idea through a chain of word association is free association method of problem.

Forced relationship
Forced relationship is the process of forcing relationship among some product combination. It is technique that asks questions about objects or ideas in an effort to develop a new idea.

Collective notebook method
It is method in which ideas are generated by group members regularly recording ideas.

It is method of developing a new idea through a thought process progression.

Scientific method
This is a more structured method of problem solving, including principles and rules for concept formation, making observations and experiments, and finally validating the hypothesis.

Value analysis
Value analysis is developing a new idea by evaluating the worth of aspects of ideas.

Attribute listing
This is an idea finding technique that requires the entrepreneur to list the attributes of an item or problem and then look at each from a variety of viewpoints.

Matrix charting
Matrix charting is a systematic method of searching for new opportunities by listing important elements for the product area along two axis of chart and then asking questions regarding each of these elements.

Big dream approach
Developing a new idea by thinking about constraints is big-dream approach of problem solving.

Parameter analysis
Parameter analysis is developing a new idea by focusing on parameter identification and creative synthesis.


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  5. Prepared by: Jawad Hassan


    Entrepreneurship (MGT602)

    Graded Discussion Board

    Due Date: December 18, 2020

    Marks: 5

    Topic: Creativity and business ideas

    Learning objectives:

    The basic objective of this discussion is to explain the learners about various methods of generating new business ideas.

    Learning outcomes:

    Students will learn to scale a particular solution identification technique to a specific issue.

    Mark Foods is a frozen food company and has recently launched a new product (vegetable filled roles). The new product is accompanied with consumers’ enlarged expectations i.e. quality, price, taste and affordability. Although there seemed a spike in the sale of the newly launched product, but immediately after 1 month that spike started showing dull and sales volume dipped very down. Although, the new product was launched after the complete research and development, but the company did not get the expected outcome. The marketing department of the company needs immediate identification of the actual underlying problem which has led to such decrease in sales of a highly anticipated product offered by Mark Foods. There are various methods i.e. brainstorming, focus group and problem inventory analysis to identify the complex marketing problems and to offer their solutions.
    Which technique (Focus Group or Problem Inventory Analysis) suits best to identify and solve the underlying problem in the above situation?

  6. Datawrapper is a free service that allows for simple, quick and intuitive creation of charts and graphs. You simply enter the data for your chart into their website and the chart is created and displayed on the website. The chart can be modified with annotations, colors, and titles. The tool is very easy to use. Even with minimal computer skills, a novice can create a data visualization in a few minutes. The resulting charts are clean and modern looking.

  7. Starting a New business can be a Hard process, especially when it comes to registering a Pvt LTD company in Noida. The city is a hub of economic activity and attracts many entrepreneurs who wish to start a company there.
